Funding Our Policies

While most of the policies outlined here involve increased public spending, there are 6 which raise new revenue or reduce spend:

Capping the capital gains tax exemption on primary residences to a sale price of $2 million
Foreign Ownership Sales Tax – so we get at least some tax from the likes of IKEA
Luxury Tax – on more items that just cars
State Owned Bank – for just the basics like savings and home ownership
Less full-time soldiers – by using the Swiss system (yes, they have an army)
Online Advertising Tax – to hit Google and Facebook and others
Removing tax exemptions for religious organisations – which will save many millions

And of course we would raise taxes for the rich, but we haven’t detailed that yet…

None of these would be adopted by the current Liberal party, because they would never spend less on armed forces, never tax the rich more, and are mates with banks.